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Freight & Light Rail Quiet Zone Progress

Thanks to Kamala Bremer of the Hosford Abernethy Neighborhood Association for this Quiet Zone Update.

Dear Neighbors:

Linda Netekoven presented TriMet and City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) representatives with copies of our petition requesting a Quiet Zone, complete with 300 signatures, plus a map of the location of the signers.

Dave Unsworth of TriMet presented a power point presentation detailing the 3 options available for mitigating train horn noise.  These include
1) a variance to excuse TriMet’s light rail trains from blowing their horns at the RR intersections,
2) “wayside horns,” which are positioned at intersections and used instead of train horns, and which direct the horn sound toward the immediate intersection instead of out into the surrounding neighborhoods and industrial area, and
3) a full Quiet Zone (which would cover TriMet and all other trains).

Dave indicated TriMet, in concert with PBOT, was working toward a Quiet Zone.  He described the recent meeting of 40 relevant staff, CEIC and neighborhood people who looked over the crossings and proposed mitigation strategies including combining the RR crossings at 8th and 9th and closing off SE Division Place.

TriMet will also apply for a variance so if anything goes wrong with their Quiet Zone application they have a fall back position.  However, Dave indicated that, at the direction of City Council, they were vigorously pursuing a Quiet Zone even though it is likely to be the most costly option.  They are doing everything they can to develop a successful application.

The rest of the TriMet presentation was devoted to a discussion of the alignment, the time table and funding for the project. There continues to be considerable concern regarding the impact of Light Rail Trains on the traffic flows on SE 11th and 12th and back to Division.  PBOT is currently modeling the projected traffic for those streets with Light Rail in place.

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