Upcoming Events

Wednesday July 27-Urgent General Meeting on New Fees for Non-conforming Sewers

Dear Neighbors:

Many of you have received letters from the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services asking you to return a signed and notarized form committing to pay a Public Service Utility Waiver fee ranging from $6,000-$18,000 in anticipation of BES installing upgraded sewers in our streets as part of the city’s nonconforming sewer program. It appears that these fees are only for the sewer installations, not necessarily for the permits, hookup fees, or sewer work on our properties that may be required. Dan Saltzman, our commissioner overseeing the BES, has agreed to attend our meeting this Wednesday to discuss the fees, answer questions, and brainstorm a solution.

It is crucial that we have as many neighbors as possible at this meeting! Please join us at the Loaves and Fishes center at SE Milwaukie and SE Center Street at 7 pm on Wednesday, July 27.

See you there!

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