Upcoming Events

Neighborhood Cleanup and Rummage Sale May 17

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The cleanup is an annual event where the neighborhood association and our volunteers hire several drop boxes that are placed on the southeastern corner of Brooklyn School Park, and neighbors bring their loads of trash, yard debris, and reusable items for our simultaneous rummage sale. Hours are 9AM to 3PM. Mixed waste costs $10-15 for small pickup loads or trunk loads. Larger loads are $20-25. Yard debris is $7 per load. We can’t accept motors, large appliances, curbside recyclables or hazardous wastes. If you need help getting your trash to us, let us know at 503.241-4540. We can probably help transport it to the event. Proceeds for the whole event go to help fund our Movie in the Park and our Ice Cream Social, among other events and initiatives. See you on May 17!

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