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More flat tires in Brooklyn

We have received the following information from a crime data specialist at the Portland Police ….

I spent two hours today going through the Brooklyn neighborhood where the tire punctures have been occurring.  There were several new cases we found as we canvases the area.  So you know the tire punctures continue.  Encourage your neighbors to report and be as specific as possible about what time it happened.  Another help is watch for people walking or riding a bike/skateboard down the middle of the street after midnight and up to sunrise.  If they pause or stop at the front tire on the street side, that would be suspicious.  Most people do not walk in the middle of the street.  Most bike commuters do not stop when commuting and wear appropriate lighting.  Unlikely to be a local transient(s) because the area of these cases extends well beyond I-84.

 There has been several repeat tire punctures.  Tell people that if you were a victim once, you have a much higher probability to be a victim again. 

 We are working the cases and understand the stress this puts on an individual and family to pay for the damage.

 Here are some recent stats as of Sept 7th

Because of the entry time into our database, I do not have a complete week after the 7th.  I will shortly.

Tire Punctures casesTire Punctures

Station Wagons are primarily from the Subaru all wheel drive or 4 wheel drive family.

Remember:  If it was not reported it will not show up in the police data

Crime stoppers has  listed this as a Featured Crime and is offering $1000.00 for information leading to an arrest in this case




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