A series of very important meetings will be held over the next couple of weeks in regards to the introduction of MAX light rail and the future design of SE 16TH and a17TH Avenues in the Brooklyn Neighborhood. Several new design changes are being suggested by TriMet and the City of Portland, and neighborhood input and comment is highly needed at this time.
Meetings for the month of January are as follows:
Wednesday, 1/14/08 @6:30 PM, Brooklyn Action Corps Board Meeting, Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center. The BAC Board will be discussing both new light rail plans, and Mayor Adams 100 Day Action Plan for the City.
Thursday, 1/15/08 @6:00 PM, Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail Citizen’s Advisory Committee, TriMet Training Center at Holgate Plaza (Behind the Semaphore Resturant). The agenda includes a discussion of several design decisions for the Brooklyn Neighborhood, including station locations.
Wednesday, 1/28/08 @7:00 PM, Brooklyn Action Corps General Meeting, Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center. TriMet staff will be on hand to present new design information and to answer questions.
I hope to see you there,
Lance Lindahl, Chair of the Brooklyn Action Corps