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Will Southeast Precinct go bye bye?

As was discussed at the January Brooklyn Action Corps General Meeting, the City of Portland is moving forward with plans to restructure the Portland Police Bureau.  Of particular interest to Brooklyn residents and business owners, is the proposal to close Southeast Precinct.  This means that Brooklyn would be patrolled instead by officers working out of Central Precinct in Downtown.

Officer Eric Weber made it known loud and clear at the meeting that he feels that the proposals will likely increase police response times and decrease community policing efforts.

The Portland Police Bureau will  be holding a meeting on Wednesday, February 11th to discuss the Police Precicnt Restructuring plan in more depth.  The meeting will be held at the Holy Trinity Greek Church at 3131 NE Glisan Street from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.

The issue of Police Restructuring will also be on the agenda of the February Brooklyn Board Meeting.  This meeting will begin at 6:30 on Wednesday, February 11th at the Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center.

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