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Robert Liberty, Nick Fish Are Coming to Brooklyn

Brooklyn residents will have the opportunity to meet not one, but two of their elected officials in the months to come.  Metro Councilor Robert Liberty will be our guest at the March General Meeting and Portland City Councilor Nick Fish will be in attendance at our May General Meeting.

Councilor Robert Liberty has been a tireless advocate for alternative transportation, sustainable planning practices, and transit oriented development.  He will be at our March General Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00 PM at the Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center.

Portland City Councilor Nick Fish has been an outpoken supporter of  housing related issues and the City’s efforts to fight homelessness.  He will be speaking about efforts to build more affordable housing in the area and the City’s current efforts towards creating a single Bureau of Housing.  Councilor Fish is also the newly assigned Parks Commissioner.  Park improvements and access to the Wilamette River have long been issues for our neighborhood, so let’s make sure that he is up to speed on the greenspace issues facing Brooklyn.   The May General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2009.

Special kudos to board member Marie Phillipi for all of her hard work in making these future speaking events happen!  We hope to see you there.

Lance Lindahl

Chair, Brooklyn Action Corps

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