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McLoughlin Blvd Paving Project Begins in April

Project location and overview
This project will repave 1.9 miles of OR 99E (SE McLoughlin Blvd.)  between the Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd./Grand Ave. viaducts (mile post 1.2) and Harold St. (milepost 3.1). ODOT also plans to install a signalized crosswalk for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing McLoughlin Blvd. near the Ross Island Sand & Gravel facility.

Project benefits
The pavement condition of this nearly 2-mile stretch of McLoughlin Blvd. is poor. New pavement will improve safety for the 55,000 vehicles traveling on this stretch of McLoughlin Blvd. each day. A signalized crosswalk will also allow pedestrians and bicyclists safer and more convenient passage across McLoughlin Blvd. in the project area.

Traffic impacts
Due to the high volume of vehicle traffic along this key corridor in the City of Portland, ODOT will primarily restrict lane closures on McLoughlin Blvd. to nights and occasional weekends. Some lane closures will be allowed during off-peak daytime hours. No major detours are anticipated, though access to some side streets and businesses may be temporarily restricted during construction stages.

Noise impacts
ODOT has been granted a noise permit to conduct some nighttime operations during this paving project. Most of the night work will be grinding and paving. This type of operation moves at approximately 5 mph. Adjacent residents will likely hear some noise from these operations as the grinding and paving equipment moves along the corridor. Because it’s a moving operation, the length of the noise impacts will be limited. Prior to nighttime work starting, ODOT will send residents nearest McLoughlin Blvd. a 24-hour noise hotline number.

Key dates
Work is scheduled to take place from April 2010 through Aug. 31, 2010.

BAC thanks Mike Mason, ODOT Community Affairs Coordinator for this update!

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