Title: Trimet Station Area Discussion Group Meeting
Location: Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center at the corner of SE Milwaukie Avenue and Center Street
Link out: Click here
Description: We’ve got 3 items on this month’s agenda:
1. Urban Design Workshop class project. In 2009 a class of PSU students in the Urban Studies and Planning program worked with representatives of the Hosford-Abernethy neighborhood on an analysis and visioning project for the area around the Clinton Station area. Phase 2 of this class has recently begun and will build upon work done by the 2009 class. An instructor from the class will present the project, process and findings from last year’s workshop as well as what phase 2 will entail. Student representatives from the class will also attend and may have some questions for the group. If you’re interested in a preview of the report produced by last year’s workshop class, a pdf is attached. Please remember that this is the work of a PSU class and not the City of Portland, also keep in mind that the Station Area Discussion Group is not obligated to work with the students, however, our discussion could benefit from their analysis, ideas and collaboration.
2. Pedestrian/bicycle overpass location. We will continue our discussion about the two potential locations for the pedestrian/bicycle overpass location (SE 14th Avenue where it is proposed or SE 16th Avenue where it is currently located). I’ll give an update on this issue and then we should discuss potential evaluation factors and what you think would constitute a thorough evaluation.
3. Other topics people would like to discuss at the meetings. I’ve had a couple suggestions of other topics people would like to discuss at the meetings so we should take some time to see if there are other ideas.
Date: Wednesday, April 7
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:30 PM