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BAC Emergency Board Meeting 7PM Thursday August 5 to Consider Endorsing Tiger II Grant Proposal

The BAC Board will be having a brief emergency meeting at 7PM on August 5th at the Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes center at SE Milwaukie Avenue and Center Street, Portland, Oregon to discuss sending a letter of support to the Federal Dept of Transportation for the “Southeast Corridor Project: Connecting Communities” TIGER II grant proposal. The project is expected to improve access and create more vibrant and livable communities by providing safer bicycle and pedestrian connections through a vital industrial corridor. The grant is expected to address the Kellogg Lake Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge, the construction of a new Rhine Street Pedestrian Bridge, the Clinton to the River Multi-Use Path, and the relocation of SE Water Avenue to support new multimodal connections to educational institutions, employment, cultural attractions, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The public is welcome to attend this brief meeting.

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