Upcoming Events

BAC Board Meeting November 10, BAC General Neighborhood Meeting November 17

Come one come all to our Brooklyn Action Corps neighborhood meetings this month!  Our Board Meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday November 10.  We’ll be discussing our recent grant application to fund a summer 2011 neighborhood historical street fair, planning our November 17 General Meeting, and taking care of other board business.  The BAC board has three vacant positions that we would love to fill with Brooklyn residents or business owners that want to be involved with BAC decision making.  To be elected to a board position, you need to attend 2 out of 3 consecutive monthly board meetings, and be nominated and elected at a subsequent board meeting.  The BAC bylaws are at this link.

Our General Meeting is at 7:00 PM on November 17.  This month we welcome Mike Pullen of Multnomah County to discuss the Sellwood Bridge Project.  Plus announcements, community policing news updates, and your questions and discussion.

We look forward to seeing you at both meetings!  They are held at the Sacred Heart Villa Loaves and Fishes Center at the corner of Center Street and Milwaukie Boulevard.

BAC Board

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