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Don’t Miss the Light Rail Design Open House Monday March 14th 6-7:30pm

Design open house: 17th Avenue
Monday, March 14 6-7:30 p.m.
Thelma Skelton Loaves & Fishes Center at Sacred Heart Villa
3925 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland

About the Project

The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project will create a light rail alignment that travels 7.3 miles, connecting Portland State University in downtown Portland, inner Southeast Portland, Milwaukie and north Clackamas County. The project itself will create up to 14,000 jobs and generate up to $573 million in personal earnings.

MAX service on the alignment is scheduled to begin in 2015. By 2030, this future light rail line will carry up to an average of 22,765 to 25,500 weekday rides, and there will be approximately 22,000 households and 85,000 employees within walking distance of Portland-Milwaukie light rail stations.

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