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Brooklyn Action Corps Board Meeting Wed. June 8, 6:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

Our June BAC Board Meeting is on Wednesday, June 8th at 6:30 PM this month at the Loaves and Fishes Center at SE Milwaukie Boulevard and SE Center Street. If you’re interested in making an impact on neighborhood issues, or want to volunteer with our pedestrian bridge mural or our Brooklyn Historic Block Party in August or the Ice Cream Social in September, we’d like to encourage you to attend this meeting.

We recently had a couple of board members move out of the neighborhood, so we have several open positions on the board of directors. To be eligible to join the board, you have to attend two out of the last 4 board meetings. We meet the second Wednesday of every month.

This month, we’re discussing the Ninth Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Mural Project (our Mural Designer will be present!). Plus we’ll get a visit from Dave Mazza, who is making a documentary about Frank Springer, a retired Portland Policeman and one of the most colorful characters in the neighborhood. Finally, Sara Church, a PhD candidate at University of British Columbia, will be be there to recruit research participants in the Tabor to the River study that she is doing, and there will be an opportunity to join the committee for our new community gardens.

See you at the board meeting!

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