The Brooklyn Foot Patrol is back on the street!
Please consider volunteering some time to help make our neighborhood safer and stronger. You are welcome to join any of the patrols listed below. Please bring a flashlight. You must be 18 and older. No children of dogs allowed for safety purposes. Each patrol lasts between 60-90 minutes.
- East Brooklyn Patrol – 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Meet at 3623 SE 14th
- West Brooklyn Patrol – 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Meet at Loaves and Fishes Building
- Daytime Patrol – Tuesdays (Next one is on June 4th). Meet at 3825 S.E. 10th
Neither East nor West Patrol are constrained to exclusively patrol their side of Milwaukie – this is just an easy way to delegate the scheduling of patrols. If anyone wishes to schedule another regular patrol or anticipates going on frequent impromptu patrols (minimum 2 people) please indicate and we can coordinate. These will continue at least through the summer months. Please email Matt McComas for Spencer Fisher with any questions.
The Brooklyn Foot Patrol