ODOT will be initiating some new pedestrian safety improvements at the top of the SE Milwaukie off-ramp exit from 99E/McLaughlin Blvd. This is the location where there is a stop sign at the top of the off-ramp adjacent to and just north of Oaks Bottom Wildlife Area. The purpose of this project is to enhance pedestrian and driver safety through improving the alignment of the off-ramp for vehicle and pedestrian connections to access Oaks Bottom. The following list of project elements will be part of this improvement project:
- Adjust the hill-like geometry of the exit road to SE Milwaukie to increase traffic visibility for drivers and pedestrians alike
- Construct 2 new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramps at the top of the hill of the exit ramp
- Install marked crosswalk at off-ramp where it connects to Milwaukie Avenue.
The project estimated cost is $84,000. Construction on this project will take place in the summer of 2014 and will have an approximate 2- weeks duration. A week prior to construction, ODOT will place VMS signs along 99E approaching the Milwaukie off-ramp to notify the traveling public that construction will be underway. It may be necessary to completely close the SE Milwaukie off-ramp to allow for the improvements to set and dry. Construction will take place sometime between late June and August and will be complete by early September.
As the contractor begins work to construct the new curb ramps and to improve alignment of the off-ramp for vehicle and pedestrian connections, there may be some noise and traffic impacts. The construction schedule is contingent upon the weather. Should you have any questions, please contact Shelli Romero at ODOT Region 1 Community Affairs at 503.731.8231 or by email at Shelli.Romero@odot.state.or.us