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One-time $500 pandemic emergency relief program now open

Many people have been financially impacted by the pandemic. Some some still haven’t received unemployment benefits which they are owed. The State of Oregon now has a one-time $500 emergency relief program specifically to help those most in need.

Rob Nosse, Brooklyn’s Oregon State Representative, has written a helpful summary of the Emergency Checks program. The Oregonian also published an article explaining how it works.

If you are applying, you’ll need to go to a participating bank or credit union. The participating banks and credit unions nearest to Brooklyn are:

  • OnPoint Community Credit Union: Sellwood (8085 SE 13th Ave)
  • OnPoint Community Credit Union: Hawthorne (3404 SE Hawthorne Blvd)
  • Umpqua Bank: Sellwood (7851 SE 13th Ave)
  • Umpqua Bank: Hawthorne (3557 SE Hawthorne Blvd)

For more details, please see the official website, emergencychecks.oregon.gov.

For details on other relief programs, check out Get Help COVID Oregon. The guide is maintained by SEIU Local 503 and provides information in multiple languages.

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