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Get a test

Bullseye Glass in Brooklyn  NeighborhoodBullseye GlassDo you feel that you should have a test done to be sure your family has not been impacted by the air quality from Bullseye Glasses?

If you are concerned about exposure, talk to your healthcare provider to make the best choice for your health. The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) will cover urine cadmium testing for members who live in the highest-risk areas, as will most private insurance plans.
 For Oregon residents who live, work, or go to school or day care within one-half mile of Bullseye Glass Company or Uroboros Glass, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) will cover the cost of urine cadmium testing.
In order to be tested, please follow these steps:
  1. Call 971-673-3308 (9:00 am to 4:00 pm, M-F) to determine if you qualify.
  2. OHA staff will collect some basic information and provide directions to a clinic where you can submit a urine specimen for testing.
Depending on the result of your test, the following actions will be taken:
  • If no urine cadmium is detected, a letter will be mailed to you within 3 weeks.
  • If urine cadmium is detected, your results will be forward to your primary care provider (PCP). If you do not have a PCP, our environmental health assessment program will help identify a provider who can help explain your results and any need for follow up.
    The deadline for the FREE  testing is April 30th .

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