Tag: Brooklyn Neighborhood

  • Help during the heat emergency

    Resources available to address the July 2022 Heat Emergency

  • July 13, 2022 BAC Board Meeting

    This month’s board meeting is on Wednesday, July 13th. All BAC board meetings are open for the public to join. The meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, both…

  • Coyote Sightings in Brooklyn Neighborhood

    Recently a caller on the neighborhood helpline reported 3 night-time sightings of coyotes. There were two sightings SE Lafayette Street and and one sighting on Milwaukie Boulevard. There have been…

  • BAC Board Meeting

    Title: BAC Board MeetingLocation: Thelma Skelton Loaves and Fishes Center at the corner of SE Milwaukie Avenue and Center StreetDescription: BAC Board Mtg-Public WelcomeStart Time: 6:30Date: Oct 14, 2009End Time:…

  • Freight & Light Rail Quiet Zone Progress

    Thanks to Kamala Bremer of the Hosford Abernethy Neighborhood Association for this Quiet Zone Update. Dear Neighbors: Linda Netekoven presented TriMet and City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) representatives with…

  • Oregonian Editorial: New Westside Express Train Horn Noise Problematic

    The brand new Westside Express commuter rail gets high marks–except for the unanticipated consequence of a huge increase in horn noise required by federal railroad rules… A rude awakening for…

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