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Mayor Adams’ Video Explains SE Corridor Project Tiger II Grant Benefits

SE Portland Corridor Project from Mayor Sam Adams on Vimeo.

2 Replies to “Mayor Adams’ Video Explains SE Corridor Project Tiger II Grant Benefits”

  1. The Celtic Enigma

    I think that the line going past brooklyn could help relieve allot of the wait time that people use while waiting for one of the three bus lines going downtown. Also, light-rail is also more environmentally friendly which is one of the big goals for this progect.

    One comment about the bridge going over the train tracks. A new pedestrian bridge would be nice, don’t get me wrong, the current bridge is about to fall down on its own. However, what about the bike traffic that would use this area? Currently, the only option for bikers is to ride on one of the two underpasses allong side powell which are frequently used as homes for homeless people, and often quite unclean. I think that it is important to while a new bridge is being made, take the time to make it bike friendly two, so we don’t have to deal with or interupt the homeless people allong the underpasses.

  2. Lance

    Please see my new posting regarding the new bus stops that have been added to SE McLoughlin. This should help Brooklynites get to and from Downtown more quickly.

    Once the new light rail line opens, bus lines 9, 17, and 19 will move from the Ross Island Bridge to the new Willamette River Transit Bridge. This will allow these buses to travel between Downtown and Brooklyn much more quickly, especially during the evening rush hour.

    The Brooklyn Action Corps is currently working with planners and design engineers at the City of Portland and at TriMet to do two things to improve bike and pedestrian access near SE 17th and Powell. The first thing is that we are continuing to fight for a reconstruction of the existing pedestrian bridge at SE Lafayette. We are also working to bring improvements to the Powell undercrossing.

    Both of these improvements are currently on the line to be cut from the budget. Please spread the word and let TriMet know that we want and need these improvements.

    Lance Lindahl
    Vice-Chair, Brooklyn Action Corps

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