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Help make Brooklyn waterwise – Free water gauge kits and tips from RWPC

Did you know water usage in the Portland Metro area can more than double and even triple during the summer months? We Oregonians work hard to keep our lawns and gardens green in hot and dry weather. Many of us have heard the advice to water our lawn about an inch a week – and more during hotter weather – but few of us actually know what that means. In fact, many people actually overwater their lawns without realizing it. To help residents wise up about their water usage, the Regional Water Providers Consortium (RWPC) is offering a free outdoor watering gauge kit to anyone in the RWPC service territory from July 1 – August 10.

The watering gauge takes the guesswork out of watering by measuring how much water is landing on your lawn. The RWPC also posts a “weekly watering number” on its website (www.conserveh2o.org), which provides the recommended amount of water to keep lawns healthy through summer. 

To receive a free watering gauge kit, call 503-823-7528 or email RWPCinfo@portlandoregon.gov (please include your mailing address, water provider name and how you heard about the offer).

Here are RWPC’s “Top Five” waterwise gardening tips:

  1. Water lawns and gardens early in the morning (before 10 am) or later in the evening (after 6 pm) when temperatures are cooler and evaporation is minimized.
  2. Adjust your sprinklers so that they are watering your lawn and garden and not the street.
  3. Water in several short sessions rather than one long session to allow for better absorption and to prevent run-off.
  4. Adjust your mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn provides shade to the roots and helps retain soil moisture, so your lawn requires less water.
  5. Add a shut-off nozzle to your garden hose and save about 5-7 gallons of water each minute your hose is on.

About the RWPC: 

The RWPC is a consortium of 23 local water providers plus the regional government Metro. Visit the consortium website – www.conserveh2o.org – for more information and resources to help conserve water at your home or business.

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