Upcoming Events

Annual visioning session this week, plus Q&A with State Rep. Rob Nosse

Banner hanging on fence at Brooklyn Park announcing general meeting: "Brooklyn Neighborhood, Zoom General Meeting this Wednesday! @ 7:00PM. Visit us at www.brooklyn-neighborhood.org."

We will be having our annual visioning session this Wednesday, January 27th, at 7:00 PM. It will be focused on providing a time for the community to share with the board what they want to see this year, and an opportunity for the BAC board to share what we have done recently. Rob Nosse, Brooklyn’s Oregon State Representative, will also be joining us. He’ll be sharing info on upcoming initiatives, discussing a draft letter on sanctioned camping in the city of Portland, and taking questions from the community.

Come share your comments and suggestions! We’d love to see everyone there. Check the event page for Zoom login info.


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