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Tire puncture update

Tire puncture chart Tire puncture chart John

We have received some good news along with some bad news.

The good news is that the Brooklyn Neighborhood has seen a “slacking off” in the number of reports dealing with the punctures. The bad news is that it continues to happen although at a much lower frequency.
Do not forget to report if it happens to you and also report any suspicious activity to 911.
The following is the latest report from Officer John Fulitano / Crime annalist.

I just finished going over the dates of Nov 9th through Nov. 23rd. Above is the table of all the activity reported that matches these cases since the total sheet that was handed out at the meetings.  They do still continue, but at a greatly reduced rate.  Over two weeks I’m showing 5 tire punctures and one is a possible until I can get a hold of the victim.  I would ask the neighborhood residences to continue to be vigilant, but as of now, the crime trend will make it very difficult to detect the suspect(s).  Please report anything you have on these cases and shoot me an email if you hear they are on the rise again.

 Thanks and pass this on to the other community people on your email chains.

 Ofc. John Fulitano

Strategic Services Division – Crime Analyst




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