Upcoming Events

Please Attend this TriMet SE Corridor Light Rail Open House Tuesday March 10, 5:30-7:30PM

Night BridgeTitle: TriMet Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Open House
Location: St. Philip Neri Church, 2804 SE 16th Ave., Portland
Link out: Click here
Description: Please join us at this open house for a progress report on the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project. Topics will include the new Willamette River transit bridge, engineering, the project timeline and the Final Environmental Impact Statement.
Tri-Met is accustomed to having only a handful of people at the open houses. A sizable group of concerned neighbors will be sure to get their attention. These open-houses are ‘self-guided’ tours through several stations that provide information about various aspects of the project. Tri-Met employees will be available to answer questions and listen to comments. Forms are provided for written comment, and the info for on-line comments is also provided. One does not need to be present for the entire time offered to make one’s comments.

Therefore, this would be a good event to attend if you are able. Please feel free to forward this announcement, or to bring other concerned neighbors with you.

You may have seen complaints from Tigard and Tualatin neighbors about the new train horn noise from Tri-Met’s WES commuter rail line. SE Corridor trains would run much more often, as well as all night long (a train each way every 15 minutes in the day, and every 30 minutes at night, or 170 trains a day). TriMet may propose quieter horns (reducing them from the 110 decibels of Union Pacific Trains to the 96 decibels used by WES), which will not help nearby neighbors.

Message points:

  • We cannot tolerate any additional train horn noise;
  • Nothing short of an approved Quiet Zone can assure that result;
  • TriMet should do whatever is necessary to assure that light rail is a healthy addition to our community and preserves neighborhood livability.

Start Time: 17:30
Date: 2009-03-10
End Time: 19:30

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