
  • Milwaukie MAX Plan Adopted, Harold a “Future Station”

    Members of the Portland to Milwaukie MAX Steering Committee voted unanimously on Thursday the 26th of June to adopt a new locally preferred alignment for the project. 

  • Milwaukie MAX Decision Pending

    This is it, the week that the Portland to Milwaukie MAX Steering Committee makes its formal recommendation on a route, a bridge location on the Willamette River, and on station locations!

  • SE Long Street Reclaimed for Neighborhood Use

    Agressive drivers now have one less Brooklyn neighborhood street to use as a traffic signal bypass.  A long-term closure of SE Long Street went into effect on Thursday, June 5th. …

  • MAX: Public Comment Opportunities

    The end of the public comment period for the Milwaukie MAX project is quickly approaching. People have until Noon on Monday June 23rd to submit their comments and concerns. All…

  • Brooklyn’s Future Neighbor to the North

    Construction is slated to begin soon on Derek Hanna’s Portland City Storage facility. This will be located on the banks of the Willamette River, just north of the Ross Island…

  • Harold Street Station on Life Support

    Future plans for a light rail station near the intersection of SE Harold Street and McLoughlin are now in doubt.

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